Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Neuro Note 4

Neuro-Note 4

“Device gives man with ALS ability to write novel, produce music”
I decided to do this neuro-note on an article written about a man named Kip Jackson, and an assistive device that is allowing him to live life to the fullest, with his current diagnoses. Kip is now 44 years old, and was diagnosed with ALS in 2012. At this point, the only voluntary muscles that Kip has control of are his eyes. Thankfully for Kip, a device called “Tobii Dynavox I-15” has been created, and can be used by Kip to help him do meaningful activities, while also allowing him to help his wife out with grocery shopping. The device is embedded with eye tracking technology and can also be activated by touch. The device also allows for communication. Kip mentions that ordering groceries on Amazon through the advice seems like such a small task, but it gives him such a great feeling. Through doing that, he still feels like he is contributing to the family as a loving husband, and nothing beats that feeling. Kip has an amazing outlook on ALS, I love this quote from him, “I can die from ALS or live with it.” Such an amazing attitude to have! With help from the device, Kip has also been enabled to successfully write and produce music, with only his eyes! It’s always great to see another human accomplish their dreams despite their setbacks. Reading this article makes feel blessed just to be able to type this post out. I’m sure Kip would love to have his regular body back, but either way he’s going to make the most of his circumstances and live life to the fullest.

I chose this article for two main reasons. Number one, I love seeing underdogs do amazing things with their lives. I don’t believe life could be any harder for this man, but he still gets up every day with a purpose, and works with a passion that we should all strive to have. Number two, as a future occupational therapist I love when assistive technology and adaptive equipment is used to enable someone with a fatal disease, whereas nothing else could have. It’s kind of wild to think about, but ten years ago this probably would not have been possible. I believe this is only the beginning of the endless amounts of possibilities that innovative technology is going to be used for, to allow people fighting ALS and other fatal diseases to live life with meaning every single day. Kip might not physically be able to smile on the outside, but I believe he has a huge smile on the inside. I can’t wait to see what the future has instore for other people battling these awful diseases.

In reflection, I would love to gain as much education as possible in the field of assistive technology and adaptive equipment. I truly believe this is the future of occupational therapy, and I look forward to dedicating time and ideas towards this technology. We might not cure every disease, but we can restore meaning and purpose in all people. I would like to end this with one more quote from Kip. “ALS has taken away my ability to move and breathe but it cannot - I refuse to let it – touch my soul.”


Device gives man with ALS ability to write novel, produce music. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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