Saturday, May 6, 2017

Blog Post #8 Fletcher "The Sky is NOT the Limit"

On Wednesday April 26th, 2017 I was introduced to a very special individual named Fletcher Cleaves. Watching his video and hearing his story will always have a special place in my heart. Fletcher was a high school football star,at Cordova high school, in Memphis Tennessee. Coming in at 5 feet 8, Fletcher had been told his whole life that he was probably too small to succeed in high school football, and that he had a very slim chance of playing college football. Well Fletcher, being the competitive superstar that he is, proved all the doubters wrong. Fletcher would go on to break records at Cordova high school, and receive a full scholarship to Lambuth University. In Fletcher’s video, it was fascinating to see his work ethic and determination.

Shortly after joining Lambuth, Fletcher learned he would be starting his freshman year, and was beyond excited. One afternoon, Fletcher and his teammate/roommate deciding to go get some wings for a relaxing night of watching football. Sadly, Fletcher was in a car accident that night that left him paralyzed from the waist down. Life would drastically change for Fletcher from this moment forward. After the accident, both of Fletcher’s parents would lose their jobs and have to adjust to caregiving life, Fletcher would have to go through intense therapy for over a year, and battle a little dose of depression and doubt. BUT Fletcher and his family did not give up! Fletcher would go on to the University of Memphis and complete his four-year degree, along the journey he was offered an IT job at AutoZone. Today Fletcher lives independently and drives an amazing truck that is accommodated for his needs.

I love the story of Fletcher, because even though he had some sets back in life, he didn't let those things change who he was on the inside. Even though life was going to be a little different, Fletcher chose to be the same energetic passionate person that he has always been. This inspires me because, sometimes in life I catch myself getting down about little things that are so irrelevant. The truth is, every day that we wake up is a blessing, every step we physically take is a blessing. When we change our perspectives on life, we truly begin to see the true beauty of life, and just how blessed we are. Fletcher inspires me to be the best that I can be every single day, and to never take anything for granted. I look forward to keeping up with Fletcher on social media, and seeing all of the amazing things he accomplishes. 

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