Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Blog Post Challenge 1

After studying a couple more models today in class, I find myself very interested n the "Trans-Theoritical Model of Change"and the five stages that go along with it. It's cool to compare the 5 stages and how they relate to my life when I try to do a certain diet or new workout plan. I believe having this experience with the model will help me as an OT and in some ways will give me a deeper understanding  to what my clients might struggle with early on when beginning a new intervention due to their diagnosis. I believe it's important to suggest that revision is often needed when implementing change into a clients life. Often when I begin a new diet or workout plan I might accidentally have a mess up early on and just give up on the new change/goal that I'm trying to implement, this was something I definitely struggled with in my teenage years. I have since learned that just because I have one mess up doesn't mean I should give up completely on the new goal that I am trying to achieve. Clients will have days that they feel discouraged due to personal and environmental factors, as a practitioner our job is to continue to encourage clients to not give up.  In life we all have low points and high points, I look forward to pulling as many people up as I can!

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