Yesterday, Caitlyn, Lauren, and I led an occupational
therapy group, with the topic being motivation. I very much enjoyed co-leading a
group session that related to motivation. Motivation is one of the most important
aspects of my life and I love helping others find ways to improve motivation. I
admit I was a little nervous when the session first began, but as the session
went on everything seemed to flow in an optimal manner in my opinion. The most important
aspect of this assignment for me was to find areas that I have strength in, along
with weaknesses that I need to work on, in relation to leadership. I feel as
though I did a good job of encouraging group members as well as making them
feel good about themselves. I also feel like I created a welcoming environment
that all group members could feel comfortable in. In relation to my weaknesses, I would like to become better at giving feedback to group members. I feel as
though I’m beginning to improve in this area but still have much work to do. I
would also like to speak up just a little bit more when it comes to me leading
groups. Overall, I feel like my first session as a co-leader went very well and
I look forward to my next opportunity.
Leadership Evaluation
Written Group Plan: 8
-Had a well-organized plan and followed through with almost
every aspect of the plan.
Introduction: 7
-I introduced the group and stated the title of the group,
but could have done a better job explaining the expectations of the group session.
I also led the group in an icebreaker activity, I thought the activity went
very well.
Activity: 7
-I thought the group activity went very smoothly. Lauren did
most of the main activity, while Caitlyn and I gave feedback to group members.
Sharing: 7
-I made sure that group members shared their thoughts during
the activity, if they were comfortable.
Process: 6
-I did a decent job of helping group members process their
feelings. I certainly feel like this is the area that I need to improve on the
Generalizing: 7
-Although I didn’t always facilitate differences and
similarities between group members, the group members themselves did a good job
of connecting with one another. This is another area that I would like to
improve in.
Group Motivation: 10
-Since our group discussion was about motivation, I feel
like every aspect of session had our members motivated.
Limit Setting: 8
-I feel like our group stayed on target throughout the whole
session. In an actual clinical setting, it will be very important to set the
tone and to make sure that the whole group stays on task.
Application: 8
-All group members showed a good understanding of motivation
and how to handle problems and barriers that could possibly hinder them from accomplishing
future goals.
Summary: 7
-I feel like I did a decent job co-leading my first group
session. I still have areas that I need to improve on, most of these
improvements will come with practice.